Japanese diet plan 14 days

The Japanese diet plan 14 days has long been one of the most popular weight loss schemes. This is not surprising, because lose weight thanks to the Japanese diet can be quickly and without the much financial expense. Due to the fact that the menu is made correctly, extra pounds go for a long time and do not return even after the diet is completed. However, to comply with the Japanese diet must be strict, because only in this way it will be possible to achieve tangible results.


The essence of the Japanese diet plan for 14 days

The optimal duration of the Japanese diet plan is 2 weeks or 14 days. In this case, a slimming person will need to eat foods that have a low-calorie content. Carbohydrates a day comes a little, the main emphasis is on proteins.

Thus it will be possible to dump about 5-8 kg. However, you need to immediately tune in to the fact that the Japanese diet is strict, and requires a certain amount of self-control.

If after the process of losing weight to get out of the diet by all rules, the result will be preserved for a long time.

The Japanese diet plan for two weeks has some limitations. For example, it is not recommended to use it in practice for pregnant women or nursing mothers. You can not adhere to the menu below presented to people suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers, kidney and liver diseases, cardiovascular pathologies. But even if a person does not have serious health problems before entering the diet, you should always consult a doctor.

The rules of an effective Japanese diet plan 14 days

Russians, unlike the Japanese, are not used to restricting themselves in food, so it can be quite problematic to follow such a diet for them. Moreover, it is actually strict, although a person receives both fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

The source of carbohydrates are vegetables, fruits, and biscuits. Fats come into the body together with olive oil, fish, and meat. Protein will be obtained from chicken, eggs, dairy products, fish, and beef. Disturbances from the work of the digestive system will not be observed since the fiber necessary for the intestine is present in the diet in sufficient quantities. It is abundant in vegetables and fruits, which in some days you can eat with almost no restrictions.

Also, during the dietary diet, a person is allowed to drink coffee and green tea. These drinks not only perfectly tone up, but also are a source of antioxidants. But for this, you need to buy only quality tea and coffee.

Despite the fact that the body receives all the necessary substances for life, their amount is very limited. Therefore, stick to the Japanese diet for longer than two weeks can not. In addition, if during an adherence to a dietary diet suddenly a malaise occurs, there is an ache in the body or headaches, then you need to get out of the diet. If possible, you should see the doctor.

During the observance of the Japanese diet plan 14 days, it is very important to adhere to an adequate drinking regime. In a day you need to consume at least 1,5-2 l clean water without gas. It is good if it will be room temperature. This will not only reduce the feeling of hunger due to the filling of the stomach but will also enable the intestines to perform their functions normally.

If you strictly follow all the rules of the Japanese diet, then you can lose weight for 14 days is quite real. It is not at your discretion to replace some products with others, even if it seems that they are very similar. Unless the morning cup of green tea can be replaced without any problems by a portion of coffee and vice versa. But adding sugar or milk to the drink is strictly prohibited. By the way, the salt will also need to be removed from the menu, or spice up the food in minimal quantities.

For the day to the table, you can approach only three times instead of the usual 5-6 meals. A snack is not provided by the diet. The last meal should be no later than two hours before bedtime. Necessarily every morning on an empty stomach you will need to drink a glass of warm water. This will allow you to start metabolic processes, and it will also make it easier to transfer the lack of breakfast.

The organism must be prepared before entering the diet. About a week should refuse to eat sweets and fast food. From the same time, it is necessary to begin to reduce the serving volumes. No less important is the psychological mood for the forthcoming hunger strike. Perhaps, the fact that after the completion of the diet (subject to compliance with all the rules) will be able to get rid of at least 5 kg.

Foods for 14 days Japanese diet plan

The list of necessary products must be studied in advance so that there is no need to replace some component with another. Moreover, this will negatively affect the results of the diet.

  • A pack of green tea that should not contain any additives or flavorings.
  • A packet of ground or grain coffee. The only condition is that the coffee should be quality.
  • Liters of tomato juice.
  • A liter of kefir, which must be fresh.
  • Two plugs of white cabbage. Cabbage should be of medium size.
  • Half a kilo of squash and eggplant.
  • One kilogram of any fruit. Avoid only bananas and grapes.
  • A kilogram of the beef.
  • A kilogram of chicken fillet.
  • Two kilograms of sea fish fillets.
  • 0,5 l olive oil cold pressed.

The menu of the Japanese diet plan for 14 days

Day 1

  • Breakfast, as such, is absent. In the morning, after a glass of water, you can drink coffee.
  • For lunch use boiled cabbage, 2 boiled eggs and washed down with a glass of tomato juice.
  • Supper should consist of fish (200 g). It can be boiled or fried.

Day 2

  • You can have breakfast without any additives and a slice of rye bread.
  • For lunch, boil the cabbage again, which is supplemented with 200 g boiled or fried fish. Cabbage is seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • Dinner is presented by a glass of yogurt and boiled beef (100 g).

Day 3

  • For breakfast, they again drink coffee, which can be supplemented with a biscuit or a piece of rye bread.
  • Dine with zucchini or eggplant, which is fried in oil. The number of vegetables cannot be limited.
  • Dinner consists of raw cabbage with the addition of vegetable oil, boiled beef without salt (200 g) and 2 boiled eggs.

Day 4

  • For breakfast, it is allowed to eat carrots in fresh form. It can be rubbed and seasoned with lemon juice.
  • At lunch, eat 200 g fish (boiled or fried), drinking it with a glass of tomato juice.
  • Dinner consists of any fruit, but their volume is limited and amounts to 200 g.

Day 5

This day completely repeats the menu of the fourth day.

Day 6

  • Breakfast should be coffee.
  • In the afternoon, boil a pound of chicken breast without adding salt. The garnish is a salad of fresh cabbage and carrots with dressing from vegetable oil.
  • For dinner, you can eat carrots and two boiled eggs.

Day 7

  • Breakfast is absent. Instead, you need to drink a glass of green tea.
  • Lunch consists of 200 g of boiled beef.
  • Supper with fruit (200 g). Alternatively, you can diversify the menu with fresh carrots with vegetable oil and 2 eggs, or 200 g of fried fish, or 200 g of boiled beef. Any of the listed product sets should be supplemented with a glass of kefir.

Day 8

  • Breakfast, as usual, consists of a glass of coffee.
  • For lunch, eat a pound of a boiled chicken breast, which is complemented with a garnish of fresh cabbage with vegetable oil.
  • Dinner with a couple of eggs and carrots with butter.

Day 9

  • For breakfast, you need to grate the carrot and season it with lemon juice.
  • At lunch, drink a glass of tomato juice and eat a piece of boiled or fried fish (200 g).
  • Dinner consists of fruit (200 g).

Day 10

  • In the morning you only need to drink a glass of coffee without additives.
  • At lunch, it is allowed to eat 3 small carrots, cheese (50 g) and boiled egg. Carrots can be rubbed and seasoned with vegetable oil.

Day 11

  • Breakfast consists of a slice of rye bread and a glass of coffee.
  • At lunch, you can fry zucchini or eggplants in oil. Eating is allowed as long as you want.
  • At dinner cook beef (200 g), 2 eggs and make a cabbage salad with dressing from vegetable oil.

Day 12

  • They have breakfast again with a slice of rye bread and a glass of coffee.
  • In the lunchtime, it is allowed to eat boiled or fried fish and add it with a fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.
  • Dinner consists of a glass of kefir and boiled beef (200 g).

Day 13

  • Breakfast is represented by a glass of coffee without sugar.
  • At lunch, cook 2 eggs and cabbage, drink a dish of tomato juice.
  • Supper with a piece of fish that can be fried or cooked.

Day 14

  • For breakfast, they only drink coffee again.
  • Dine with fish and salad from fresh cabbage with the addition of oil.
  • For dinner, you can eat boiled beef weighing 200 g and drink it with a glass of kefir.

This is the method of weight loss, which gives the most consistent result. It can persist for 3 years or more. However, to achieve the desired weight, you need not only to stay on the diet for 14 days, but also to monitor your diet in the future. The main rule is moderation in food and choice in the direction of natural, useful products. This is what the Japanese diet teaches.

The advantages of the Japanese diet plan 14 days are numerous, therefore such a nutrition scheme has found such wide distribution among the masses.

The objective advantages of the Japanese diet are the following:

  1. The result of applying the Japanese diet is very palpable. For two weeks you can get rid of 5-8 kg.
  2. If after the completion of the diet to adhere to proper nutrition and eat moderate portions, the result can be saved for an unlimited period of time.
  3. During the diet, the body is released from toxins. They go away due to the fact that the diet is completely free of harmful food, while cellulose and large volumes of liquid continue to flow. This contributes to a qualitative cleansing of the intestine.
  4. The diet saves the budget. Unlike most other dietary nutrition schemes, the Japanese diet does not require special financial costs.
  5. Many adherents of the Japanese diet note that after it the complexion, small wrinkles disappear, the nails become stronger, hair ceases to drop out. It is possible that this effect is due to high-quality cleaning of the body.
  6. With a smooth entrance and with a gradual exit from the diet, the person’s well-being is not violated and the restrictions on nutrition are transferred more easily.
  7. The diet menu does not contain food that is difficult to find in the market. All of them are freely available all year round.
  8. The Japanese diet consists of products that do not pose a threat to a European person in terms of allergies.

Deciding to lose a few pounds with food restrictions, you need to learn all the disadvantages of the Japanese diet beforehand. This is very important, as it will prevent health problems.

Among the shortcomings of the Japanese diet can be noted the following factors:

  1. The Japanese diet is very strict, it is difficult to sustain it without any preliminary preparation, both psychological and physiological.
  2. The menu consists of three main meals, and breakfast, as such, is almost non-existent, and there are no snacks at all. Therefore, the feeling of hunger will persecute a slimming person all the time.
  3. The set of products on 14 days is rather monotonous.
  4. The Japanese diet is not balanced for essential nutrients, so sticking to it for more than 14 days can be dangerous to your health.
  5. This system of weight loss does not fit everyone and has certain contraindications. In addition, that it cannot be used for people with diseases of the digestive system, such a menu is unacceptable for renal and cardiac patients.

What results can you expect from a Japanese diet?

The impact that the Japanese diet has on the body of each person is strictly individual. Therefore, the results obtained after 14 days will differ. If you rely on the feedback from people who have tried the Japanese diet on their own, then we can say that the average weight loss for two weeks is from 5 to 14 kg.

Moreover, the tolerability of the diet is also different for different people. Some easily overcome all 14 days of partial abstinence from food, while others are unable to overcome even the 3 diet days. Therefore, if it was decided to try this technique on yourself, you need to be in advance to tune in to the fact that it is very complicated. But the result is worth the effort.

The information on the site is intended for acquaintance and does not call for independent treatment, the doctor’s consultation is obligatory!

Miriam Josey
Miriam Josey
Miriam Josey is an RD and expert in healthy diets and sustainable lifestyles. She has a B.S from Cal State (Nutritional Science) and an M.S. from the University of Southern California (Nutrition, Healthspan, and Longevity). Miriam’s professional chef certificate allows her to develop rich, non-restrictive diets for weight loss.

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